View today’s rates

Rates posted on ${ getDisplayDate() | date}, but may change at any time.

Please note: You must live, work or own a second home in Vermont to qualify for an account.

Mortgage Loans To see all rate options, apply online or contact a Mortgage Banking Officer

${ rate.FriendlyMrktName }
Rate Points APR
${ rate.Rate }% ${ rate.Points | points} ${ rate.APR }% ${ rate.Per_K | monthlyPayment}
Payment Information

Home Equity Loans To see all rate options, apply online or visit your local branch

${ rate.FriendlyMrktName }
Rate Points APR
${ rate.Rate }% ${ rate.Points | points} ${ rate.APR }% ${ rate.Per_K | monthlyPayment}
Payment Information

The Home Equity Line of Credit has an adjustable rate feature. The Annual Percentage Rate is based on the Wall Street Money Rate Section Prime and may adjust monthly. The maximum Annual Percentage Rate that may apply at any time within the life of the loan is 18%. The Home Equity Line of Credit features a 12 year draw period followed by a 15 year repayment period.

Approval subject to NSB underwriting and credit eligibility requirements.

*This loan program has an adjustable rate feature. The initial interest rate is in effect for the first 5 years (5/1), 7 years (7/1), or 10 years (10/1) of your mortgage loan. Thereafter, your interest rate and payment amount may increase (or decrease).

${ cat[0].Category }
Type Down Payment Payment Period (Years) APR Monthly Payment per
Thousand Borrowed
${ rate.Type } ${ rate.AmtDown } ${ rate.Term } ${ rate.APR } ${ rate.Payment }
${ prod[0].MarketingName }
Minimum Deposit to Open Balance to Obtain APY Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Interest Rate
$${ rate.MinOpenBal | currency } ${ rate.BalLo } - ${ rate.BalHi } ${ rate.APY } ${ rate.Rate }

A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal from CDs. The interest rate and annual percentage yield will be in effect for the account until the maturity date.

${ prod[0].MarketingName }
Minimum Deposit to Open Balance to Obtain APY Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Interest Rate
$${ rate.MinOpenBal} ${ rate.BalLo } - ${ rate.BalHi } ${ rate.APY } ${ rate.Rate }

Northfield Savings Bank may impose a penalty for early withdrawal from CDs held in an IRA. In addition to any penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service.

Rates are subject to change after checking accounts are opened and fees may reduce earnings.

${ prod[0].MarketingName }
Minimum Deposit to Open Balance to Obtain APY Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Interest Rate
$${ rate.MinOpenBal } ${ rate.BalLo } - ${ rate.BalHi } ${ rate.APY } ${ rate.Rate }

Rates are subject to change after accounts are opened and fees may reduce earnings.

${ prod[0].MarketingName }
Minimum Deposit to Open Balance to Obtain APY Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Interest Rate
$${ rate.MinOpenBal } ${ rate.BalLo } - ${ rate.BalHi } ${ rate.APY } ${ rate.Rate }

Rates are subject to change after savings accounts are opened and fees may reduce earnings.

${ prod[0].MarketingName }
Minimum Deposit to Open Balance to Obtain APY Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Interest Rate
$${ rate.MinOpenBal } ${ rate.BalLo } - ${ rate.BalHi } ${ rate.APY } ${ rate.Rate }

Rates are subject to change after accounts are opened and fees may reduce earnings.

${ prod[0].MarketingName }
Minimum Deposit to Open Balance to Obtain APY Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Interest Rate
$${ rate.MinOpenBal } ${ rate.BalLo } - ${ rate.BalHi } ${ rate.APY } ${ rate.Rate }