NSB’s Burlington Branch Relocates to Church Street Marketplace

Chittenden County – Northfield Savings Bank (NSB) is happy to announce the relocation of its downtown Burlington branch. After 17 years serving the Burlington community from its location on College Street, the branch has moved up the block to 116 Church Street.
The new office opened its doors on July 19th. Located at the corner of College and Church Streets, the new Marketplace office sits in the heart of Burlington’s downtown. The office, while new to NSB, is the site of the former Howard Bank which operated in the space until 1958.
On Friday, September 29, NSB invited employees, customers, and project partners to celebrate the opening of the Marketplace office and 20 years of serving Chittenden County. Refreshments were enjoyed followed by remarks from NSB Board Chair Mary Alice McKenzie, NSB CEO Thomas Leavitt, Mayor Miro Weinberger, and Opportunities Credit Union CEO Kate Laud. A ceremonial cake cutting marked the start of this new chapter for NSB in Burlington.

The Marketplace office offers business hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and is equipped with an ATM, available during operating hours. This office offers the full range of NSB services, with representatives from Enterprise & Government Banking and Mortgage Banking under the same roof as the branch, while NSB’s Commercial Banking office is just a few steps away at 210 College Street.
About Northfield Savings Bank
Northfield Savings Bank is the largest bank headquartered in Vermont, with 14 branches serving consumer and commercial customers in central Vermont and Chittenden County. Founded in 1867, NSB has remained a mutual institution throughout its history, focused on strong community impact in the Green Mountain State. NSB’s full range of products and services is detailed at nsbvt.com.