NSB Announces Donations for Flood Recovery in Vermont

Northfield Savings Bank (NSB) has announced its commitment of $50,000 to assist in relief and recovery efforts in Vermont following the devastating flooding that took place in July.
The funds provided by NSB will be distributed to the American Bankers Association Disaster Relief Fund, the Barre Community Relief Fund, the Montpelier Strong Recovery Fund, and Revitalizing Waterbury.
The American Bankers Association (ABA) Foundation is partnering with Vermont Bankers Association (VBA) to collect donations and to support broader flood relief in Vermont. All donations will be directed to the Vermont Flood Response and Recovery Fund 2023, administered by the Vermont Community Foundation. Funds will go toward immediate response and relief, building back communities, and watershed resilience.
Several of NSB’s own branches were impacted by the flooding including offices in Montpelier, Barre, Waterbury, and Bethel. All offices have returned to normal business hours and operations with the exception of the Montpelier office which is moving operations to a temporary banking facility neighboring the branch until renovations and repairs can be made to the permanent location. Montpelier’s temporary banking facility is scheduled to be open early September.
“As with Irene in 2011, it will be weeks, months, and unfortunately years to fully recover from the forces of nature,” NSB President and CEO Thomas Leavitt said. “We intend to be here to see it all through as we reflect the grit of the customers and communities we serve.”