Northfield Savings Bank Foundation Announces $445,000 in Support to Local Nonprofits

For Immediate Release: August 26, 2022
Contact: Aly Campbell
Northfield Savings Bank
Northfield Savings Bank Foundation is pleased to announce five community partnerships and financial support of $445,000 to be utilized over the next two years. Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, Lund Family Center, Mercy Connections, Spectrum Youth and Family Services, and the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain College will each receive a contribution to meet the growing needs of our community.

“The NSB Foundation is excited to launch these partnerships and support the ongoing work of the five organizations. Individually, each is an important resource for our friends and neighbors; collectively, they form an important ecosystem for Vermonters moving through their personal and professional journey”, said Nicole Carignan, NSB Foundation Board Chair.
NSB Foundation funding will be directed for programming to: provide academic support for youth to succeed in high school and post-secondary education; strengthen Vermont families; help underserved Vermonters and New Americans on a path to business ownership; expand access to counseling services for more teens and young adults who experience mental health and substance abuse issues; and provide tuition assistance for Vermont educators to bring financial literacy training to high schools throughout the State.
“Northfield Savings Bank Foundation’s investment in Mercy Connections supports aspiring entrepreneurs traditionally excluded from the business world, creating businesses, jobs and a more inclusive Vermont economy”, said Lisa Falcone, Executive Director.
According to John Pelletier, the Director of the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain College, "These funds will allow us to provide a free Teaching Financial Literacy graduate course to 30 Vermont educators. We estimate that, even after accounting for regular attrition from the profession, these 30 educators will provide high quality financial literacy education to about 15,000 Vermont students over the next decade."
The NSB Foundation focuses on community partnerships that improve outcomes for Vermonters in the areas of financial literacy, at-risk youth, and education.
About NSB and NSBF
The Northfield Savings Bank Foundation (NSBF) was established in 2000 through Northfield Savings Bank (NSB) as part of NSB’s long-standing commitment to donate to the local community. The Foundation supports Vermont-based efforts focused around improving residents’ well-being and self-sufficiency in areas such as financial literacy, education, and at-risk youth.
Northfield Savings Bank is the largest bank headquartered in Vermont, with 14 branches serving consumer and commercial customers in central Vermont and Chittenden County. Founded in 1867, NSB has remained a mutual institution throughout its history, focused on strong community impact in the Green Mountain State. NSB’s full range of products and services is detailed at Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.