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News & Events


The Joy of Giving

Tatum's Totes gifts

For the second year in a row,  NSB has partnered with Green Mountain United Way and Tatum's Totes for a holiday gift drive.

Employees at NSB "adopted" 100 children currently in the foster care system in Washington and Orange counties. Staff was provided a list of items the child would like to receive and then purchased two gifts per child. Participating departments each held "wrapping parties" to prepare the gifts for delivery to the local DCF office for distribution.

Often kids in DCF custody have to leave all their belongs behind, so hopefully having their wishes fulfilled during the holiday season will bring a small bit of comfort to their lives.

NSB employees also partnered with the Salvation Army and their Angel Program. Similar to the Tatum's Totes program, the Angel Program provides a list of requested gifts for area children in need. Our staff volunteers selected an Angel, and shopped for gifts to fulfill a child's wish. This year NSB staff purchased gifts for 31 Angels.